Marketing Blog for Yoga, Pilates and Wellness Businesses.

This blog is home to many of the learnings I’ve had over the years running my yoga studio, and my marketing experience from big corporates to tiny startups.

In addition you’ll see flashes of The Calm Chronicles, a blog my Sister and I began a couple of years ago with the goal of making self-care and relaxation more accessible.

17 Ways to Improve Your Instagram for Yoga and Wellbeing Businesses
Social Media Laura Hare Social Media Laura Hare

17 Ways to Improve Your Instagram for Yoga and Wellbeing Businesses

We all know how important Instagram can be for many businesses in our space, I don’t need to quote lots of statistics to tell you, it can be a fantastic way to showcase your brand, connect with your customers and attract new customers to your business. Here are some ideas to ensure your profile and content is in tip top shape, lots you might already be doing, but hopefully there’s something new in here to make you go “aha!” (Or words/sounds to that effect!).

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Ideas to Help your Wellness or Yoga Business over the Christmas Season
Seasonal Peaks, Strategy Laura Hare Seasonal Peaks, Strategy Laura Hare

Ideas to Help your Wellness or Yoga Business over the Christmas Season

There are lots of opportunities to leverage the festive time of year to help grow your yoga business and provide a most wonderful customer experience and sense of community. Here are some ideas to explore over the Christmas season, I’d usually recommend you start planning in October however plenty can be put in place right now!

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10 Ways to Market Your Yoga Studio
Digital Marketing, Local Marketing Laura Hare Digital Marketing, Local Marketing Laura Hare

10 Ways to Market Your Yoga Studio

If you own a yoga studio, or you’re a freelance teacher it can be challenging navigating how to get your name out there, and attract more customers, especially when you’re balancing so many plates! Marketing can feel like a daunting part of being an entrepreneur and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I hope reading this will give you some ideas and help you to feel like you’ve got this!

Here are 10 ways to market your yoga studio successfully:

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5 Things That Need To Go On Your Yoga or Pilates Website
Website & SEO Laura Hare Website & SEO Laura Hare

5 Things That Need To Go On Your Yoga or Pilates Website

I spend a lot of time looking at wellbeing websites, as a customer (I book a lot of classes) and as a consultant, as well as pondering my own site a lot! When I speak to wellbeing businesses, I hear many of the same worries and concerns. "I'm not getting many enquiries through." "I didn't really know what to put on that page."

And one of the most common things I see is businesses not writing enough content on their site.

So here are some tips for what you do need on your site.

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What happens when business slumps?
Strategy Laura Hare Strategy Laura Hare

What happens when business slumps?

No matter how amazing your marketing is. How much “business acumen” (hello Apprentice!) you have. What an incredible teacher / therapist / practitioner / expert you are. At some point business will take a downturn.

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The 5 Questions You Need to Ask When You Want to Grow a Business
Strategy Laura Hare Strategy Laura Hare

The 5 Questions You Need to Ask When You Want to Grow a Business

As you’ll hear me say time and time again, there are no hacks, no secrets, no absolute rules to growing a small business. In my experience the only people who use this language are Tik Tok stars who want lots of reel views. I don’t believe one size fits all for any business, so though I'll share today what I think are best practices, I want you to see them as guiding principles rather than firm rules.

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Setting up a Wellbeing Business? Here’s my tools and tech starter for ten.
Starting Up, Tech Laura Hare Starting Up, Tech Laura Hare

Setting up a Wellbeing Business? Here’s my tools and tech starter for ten.

To succeed in business today, how good you are as a yoga teacher, a massage therapist, a sound practitioner... This isn't the measure of how you're able to grow your business. If people can’t find you, or engage with you, your business will struggle to thrive. You need to be able to navigate technology systems, understand channel marketing and how to build a marketable customer database.

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5 Ways Wellbeing Businesses Can Improve Their Booking Process
Booking System, Tech Laura Hare Booking System, Tech Laura Hare

5 Ways Wellbeing Businesses Can Improve Their Booking Process

When you start your business whether that’s yoga, holistic wellness, education, fitness… you might have put a booking platform in place right away, or you might have started manually, capturing interest over email. As you grow and expand, it usually becomes clear you need a bit of help! Even if you have hastily implemented a booking system, are you using its full potential?

In this blog we’ll uncover some of the ways to ensure your booking system is working best for your wellbeing business and you’re utilising its full potential.

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3 Ways to Improve your Local Marketing 
Local Marketing Laura Hare Local Marketing Laura Hare

3 Ways to Improve your Local Marketing 

To improve your reach, it is absolutely essential that you are reaching a local audience with your website and marketing. It can be a nice little boost to hit social follower milestones, but you won’t have a profitable or sustainable business if you can’t reach local people consistently.

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Can bedtime rituals really help you sleep better?
Calm Chronicles Laura Hare Calm Chronicles Laura Hare

Can bedtime rituals really help you sleep better?

As stresses in my life started to pile up, I noticed that my sleep quality took a steep downward spiral. I managed to be perpetually exhausted, yet stubbornly unable to sleep. A winning combo I’m sure you’ll agree!

What historically came very easily to me… now required a bit more effort. And so began my love of evening rituals

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4 Learnings About Relaxation
Calm Chronicles Laura Hare Calm Chronicles Laura Hare

4 Learnings About Relaxation

Over the past four months or so, I’ve made a huge effort to re-train my brain to slow down a bit to support the healing of my body. Again, I don’t want to be boring but let’s just recap briefly. I live with chronic back pain, it makes me very tired but in a cruel twist of fate, it also makes it very hard to physically and mentally let go

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10 Minutes of Meditation for 10 Days
Calm Chronicles Laura Hare Calm Chronicles Laura Hare

10 Minutes of Meditation for 10 Days

Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. It has a host of physical, mental and emotional benefits from reducing stress, to tackling anxiety, increasing attention spans, improving sleep quality and promoting self-esteem. Basically, it’s like the ultimate spa retreat for your mind.

But how is it that we never have the time to practice a thing with such an impressive rostrum of benefits?

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Gong Bath for Beginners
Calm Chronicles Laura Hare Calm Chronicles Laura Hare

Gong Bath for Beginners

Ever in my pursuit of relaxing experiences, you can imagine my elation to hear of a local Gong Bath in a lovely little studio near where I live. There’s something magical about the sound of a “gong bath,” or is that just me?!

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