I work on Yoga & Pilates websites every single day, and I see the same things popping up time and time again. These aren’t "mistakes" I completely understand why people do them……but if you’re looking to improve your visibility on Google, a few small tweaks can make a huge difference.
If you’ve heard a lot about AI and ChatGPT but you’re not sure what using these tools really looks like for your yoga or pilates business, then this blog will help explain how you could save time, whilst retaining your unique voice!
You’ve likely heard that email is a great way to connect with your students, share your offerings, and build a loyal community around your yoga or pilates business. If you’re a new teacher, (or maybe just one who’s been putting it off) the idea of setting up a newsletter might feel a bit overwhelming, but hopefully this blog will help you to feel more comfortable. Here’s everything you need to know to get started.
As the festive season approaches, many Yoga and Pilates teachers wind down their schedules and look forward to a well-deserved break. However….. I think this final phase in the year is a brilliant opportunity to get your ducks in a line before a potential rush in January. You’ll feel so much more relaxed over the Christmas period if you have a clear plan and you’ve prepped for a flurry in January.