Marketing Blog for Yoga, Pilates and Wellness Businesses.

This blog is home to many of the learnings I’ve had over the years running my yoga studio, and my marketing experience from big corporates to tiny startups.

In addition you’ll see flashes of The Calm Chronicles, a blog my Sister and I began a couple of years ago with the goal of making self-care and relaxation more accessible.

Starting an Email Newsletter: A Guide for Yoga and Pilates Teachers
Digital Marketing, Strategy, Design, Email Laura Campbell Digital Marketing, Strategy, Design, Email Laura Campbell

Starting an Email Newsletter: A Guide for Yoga and Pilates Teachers

You’ve likely heard that email is a great way to connect with your students, share your offerings, and build a loyal community around your yoga or pilates business. If you’re a new teacher, (or maybe just one who’s been putting it off) the idea of setting up a newsletter might feel a bit overwhelming, but hopefully this blog will help you to feel more comfortable. Here’s everything you need to know to get started.

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Get Ready for the January Rush: A Pre-Christmas Checklist for Yoga and Pilates Teachers
Seasonal Peaks, Strategy Laura Campbell Seasonal Peaks, Strategy Laura Campbell

Get Ready for the January Rush: A Pre-Christmas Checklist for Yoga and Pilates Teachers

As the festive season approaches, many Yoga and Pilates teachers wind down their schedules and look forward to a well-deserved break. However….. I think this final phase in the year is a brilliant opportunity to get your ducks in a line before a potential rush in January. You’ll feel so much more relaxed over the Christmas period if you have a clear plan and you’ve prepped for a flurry in January.

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Your Essential 2025 Wellness Calendar: Key Awareness Days and Holidays for Yoga Teachers
Content, Strategy, Social Media Laura Campbell Content, Strategy, Social Media Laura Campbell

Your Essential 2025 Wellness Calendar: Key Awareness Days and Holidays for Yoga Teachers

As a yoga or pilates teacher, it can be a bit exhausting trying to keep track of mindful themes and relevant dates, plus getting the motivation to plan your content and class offerings well in advance. That’s why I’ve created the Santosha Marketing 2025 Wellness Calendar—a curated guide to help you stay connected with the themes and dates that matter most in our little world.

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Applying to Teach at a Yoga Studio: Top Tips to Help You Stand Out
New Teacher Laura Campbell New Teacher Laura Campbell

Applying to Teach at a Yoga Studio: Top Tips to Help You Stand Out

Whether you’re a newly qualified yoga teacher looking to get your foot in the door and build your teaching hours, or you’ve been teaching for a while and you’re looking for a new community… applying to yoga studios can be a bit of a minefield. Many studios are inundated with applications and it can be hard to stand out. Applying for a position as a yoga teacher isn’t simply about showcasing your skills; it’s about showing genuine interest in the studio’s ethos, community, and unique qualities.

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Tech Tips for Yoga Teachers: Making Marketing Easy (Even if You’re Not Tech-Savvy!)
Laura Campbell Laura Campbell

Tech Tips for Yoga Teachers: Making Marketing Easy (Even if You’re Not Tech-Savvy!)

Whether you’re newly qualified or you’ve just noticed with increasing alarm that running yoga classes nowadays seems to need a heck of a lot of tech… chances are you’ve felt a little bit of panic about how to navigate this crazy digital world! As a yoga teacher, your passion lies in helping your students —certainly not in navigating complicated tech tools! If you’re not naturally tech-savvy (which 90% of yoga teachers tell me they are!), marketing your classes and growing your business can feel very daunting. But don’t worry! Let’s see if we can demystify this a little bit.

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Choosing the Right Booking Software for Your Yoga Business: A Comprehensive Guide
Booking System Laura Campbell Booking System Laura Campbell

Choosing the Right Booking Software for Your Yoga Business: A Comprehensive Guide

The right booking software is more than just a tool; it’s an integral part of your business. It can help streamline operations, improve communication with your students, and even boost your bottom line by making it easier for students to sign up and pay for classes. I think the most significant thing of all is saving your time which is a very precious commodity. But you need to remember that what works for one business might not work for yours. So if you’ve had any recommendations for others, certainly take this on board, but also do your own research.

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The Ultimate Pre-Launch Checklist for Your Yoga Website
Website & SEO Laura Campbell Website & SEO Laura Campbell

The Ultimate Pre-Launch Checklist for Your Yoga Website

It’s a big moment when you create your yoga website! Hopefully you’re proud of what you’ve done even if it might have been a steep learning curve! Before you hit that "Publish" button, there's a bit of prep work I’d recommend to ensure your site does the best job it can for you. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you make sure everything is in place for a successful launch.

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The Importance of Google Business Profile for Yoga Studios: A Simple Guide
Laura Campbell Laura Campbell

The Importance of Google Business Profile for Yoga Studios: A Simple Guide

Whether you're a seasoned yoga teacher or the proud owner of a studio, reaching potential students is crucial to your success. One often overlooked but incredibly important tool at your disposal is the Google Business Profile. I’m sure you’ve seen these, and you’re probably already familiar with it, but many small businesses don’t use their GBP as effectively as they could.

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Crafting Effective Flyers for Yoga and Pilates Teachers: A Comprehensive Guide
Local Marketing Laura Campbell Local Marketing Laura Campbell

Crafting Effective Flyers for Yoga and Pilates Teachers: A Comprehensive Guide

Marketing is always changing. We often assume it’s all about online now… but is it? Are traditional methods like creating flyers still effective? As a marketing consultant specialising in yoga and pilates sectors, I think that flyers can be a fab way of building brand awareness in your local community, but it’s important you structure them as best you can.

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How to Think About SEO for Your Yoga Website: Tips and Tricks to Get More Customers Visiting Your Site.
Website & SEO Laura Campbell Website & SEO Laura Campbell

How to Think About SEO for Your Yoga Website: Tips and Tricks to Get More Customers Visiting Your Site.

When you work out how to get your website in a position where it drives new customers your way, represents who you are and what you teach, and becomes a hub that customers can easily navigate… that’s when it really starts to pay off! But to do this, you need to understand what SEO is and how it works.

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Advice to Help You Decide On A Name For Your Yoga or Pilates Business
Laura Campbell Laura Campbell

Advice to Help You Decide On A Name For Your Yoga or Pilates Business

When you're deciding to launch a new business or service, pondering the name can take hours and hours.... You ask a family member who says they are all great (canny but not helpful!)... You second guess yourself... Go through a phase of trying to be really clever... Then you go simple... Then too generic. Then it becomes too complicated. Then you go back to your original idea. Then you’re convinced they are all terrible and you pause everything…. It's a minefield which leaves you in an existential crisis thinking "who am I?"

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A Helpful Guide to Backlinks for Yoga & Pilates Teachers/Studios
Website & SEO Laura Campbell Website & SEO Laura Campbell

A Helpful Guide to Backlinks for Yoga & Pilates Teachers/Studios

Backlinks are an important part of your SEO strategy — but don’t worry if you haven’t heard of this term before!

Search Engine Optimisation is all about helping you be discovered by prospective customers on Google. On this blog we’ve spoken about lots of ways to help with your SEO. Backlinks have not yet been given the red carpet treatment so let’s rectify that!

In a nutshell, backlinks are other websites linking to you. Having reputable trustworthy sites that link to your site is important for increasing your domain authority which makes Google think you can be trusted, and therefore it’s more likely to show you to prospective customers.

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Should you use Google Ads as a Yoga Business or Pilates Teacher?
Digital Marketing, Strategy Laura Campbell Digital Marketing, Strategy Laura Campbell

Should you use Google Ads as a Yoga Business or Pilates Teacher?

You have a yoga, pilates or wellness business. You want to attract more customers, so inevitably at some point you think, hmmmm I wonder if Google ads would be good for me. I’m going to be very open and honest with you, in most cases I encounter, I would say no, you should not run Google ads. Let me tell you why and talk you through my thought process as of course there are some exceptions.

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Your Local Marketing Checklist for Yoga, Pilates, Fitness and Wellbeing Businesses
Social Media, Local Marketing Laura Campbell Social Media, Local Marketing Laura Campbell

Your Local Marketing Checklist for Yoga, Pilates, Fitness and Wellbeing Businesses

When you sell a local service such as yoga classes, massages, osteopathy appointments, zumba… something that you want to deliver in person, not over zoom… understanding the best strategies for local marketing is of vital importance. I know it can seem a bit overwhelming and scary, but lots of these are not as tricky as you imagine and could make a big difference to your reach and how you can grow your business.

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