Marketing Blog for Yoga, Pilates and Wellness Businesses.

This blog is home to many of the learnings I’ve had over the years running my yoga studio, and my marketing experience from big corporates to tiny startups.

In addition you’ll see flashes of The Calm Chronicles, a blog my Sister and I began a couple of years ago with the goal of making self-care and relaxation more accessible.

The Ultimate Pre-Launch Checklist for Your Yoga Website
Website & SEO Laura Campbell Website & SEO Laura Campbell

The Ultimate Pre-Launch Checklist for Your Yoga Website

It’s a big moment when you create your yoga website! Hopefully you’re proud of what you’ve done even if it might have been a steep learning curve! Before you hit that "Publish" button, there's a bit of prep work I’d recommend to ensure your site does the best job it can for you. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you make sure everything is in place for a successful launch.

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How to Think About SEO for Your Yoga Website: Tips and Tricks to Get More Customers Visiting Your Site.
Website & SEO Laura Campbell Website & SEO Laura Campbell

How to Think About SEO for Your Yoga Website: Tips and Tricks to Get More Customers Visiting Your Site.

When you work out how to get your website in a position where it drives new customers your way, represents who you are and what you teach, and becomes a hub that customers can easily navigate… that’s when it really starts to pay off! But to do this, you need to understand what SEO is and how it works.

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A Helpful Guide to Backlinks for Yoga & Pilates Teachers/Studios
Website & SEO Laura Campbell Website & SEO Laura Campbell

A Helpful Guide to Backlinks for Yoga & Pilates Teachers/Studios

Backlinks are an important part of your SEO strategy — but don’t worry if you haven’t heard of this term before!

Search Engine Optimisation is all about helping you be discovered by prospective customers on Google. On this blog we’ve spoken about lots of ways to help with your SEO. Backlinks have not yet been given the red carpet treatment so let’s rectify that!

In a nutshell, backlinks are other websites linking to you. Having reputable trustworthy sites that link to your site is important for increasing your domain authority which makes Google think you can be trusted, and therefore it’s more likely to show you to prospective customers.

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5 Things That Need To Go On Your Yoga or Pilates Website
Website & SEO Laura Campbell Website & SEO Laura Campbell

5 Things That Need To Go On Your Yoga or Pilates Website

I spend a lot of time looking at wellbeing websites, as a customer (I book a lot of classes) and as a consultant, as well as pondering my own site a lot! When I speak to wellbeing businesses, I hear many of the same worries and concerns. "I'm not getting many enquiries through." "I didn't really know what to put on that page."

And one of the most common things I see is businesses not writing enough content on their site.

So here are some tips for what you do need on your site.

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