10 Ways to Market Your Yoga Studio

If you own a yoga studio, or you’re a freelance teacher it can be challenging navigating how to get your name out there, and attract more customers, especially when you’re balancing so many plates! Marketing can feel like a daunting part of being an entrepreneur and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I hope reading this will give you some ideas and help you to feel like you’ve got this!

Here are 10 ways to market your yoga studio successfully:

1. Build an Engaging Website:

Let’s start with your website. A topic much discussed on the blog! 

A user-friendly website is critical. What do we mean by this? Well, ensure it's easy to navigate, include what classes you offer, how much they cost, common questions, information about you and your instructors and  make it easy to book! Keep going through your site as a customer and seeing what can be improved.

2. Optimise for SEO: 

SEO can sound like a scary thing…. But search engine optimisation (SEO) is really just about making sure you clearly articulate your key messages. By doing this you improve your website's visibility on search engines. You do this by using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and create quality content to attract organic traffic. Make sure your H1 titles contain your keywords eg Pregnancy Yoga in Hogsmead, make sure you have different service pages if you offer different things so you can target keywords, your goal is to tell Google and your customers as much as you can, as clearly as you can what you’re all about.

3. Leverage Social Media: 

Create and maintain active profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn (if you have a corporate offering). Stay true to your brand DNA, have a clear audience in mind and try to share captivating images, videos, and yoga tips to engage with your audience regularly.  Consistency is key. Oh and don’t get too het up on follower numbers, it’s always quality over quantity! Use a combination of reels, stories, carousels and pictures to share your message and connect with customers.

4. Get Smart with Email Marketing: 

Build an email list of interested students and potential clients. Send out newsletters with class updates, special offers, and insightful content to keep them engaged and informed. If you have a contact form or newsletter sign up on your website, it’s wise to set an automation email that welcomes them to your community and offers helpful tips and information. Using a software like Mailerlite makes this simple and effective.

5. Make the Most of Local SEO: 

Before you start thinking, here she goes again … you know what I’m going to say. Optimising your Google My Business listing ensures your studio shows up in local searches. It’s really important. Encourage customers to leave reviews, which can boost your visibility and credibility. But remember it’s not a quick fix, it takes time to see results, be patient. I have lots more about this topic here.

6. Think About Your Intro Offer: 

There are a number of special offers you could employ, most studios and yoga teachers tend to offer 50% off a first class, or an intro week/month for a reduced cost. My advice is test and learn, look at your uptake and how many go on to become paying customers. Figure out what works for you, but remember you don’t have to give away a lot for free!  

7. Collaborate with Local Businesses: 

It can be a great idea to partner with local complementary businesses to cross-promote your services. Consider offering joint promotions or events. Think about the value you’re giving customers and make sure you’re aligned on who your idea customers are and what they want.

8. Generate Meaningful Backlinks: 

Google likes to know you are a reputable site, one way you can demonstrate this is to increase your backlinks, you have websites like Yell, Yelp etc but also consider yoga focused ones like Hey Yoga. Begin by researching yoga in your area and see what comes up, you can then submit your profile. Try the free trial of Bright Local which can be a huge help in backlink strategy.

9. Implement Referral Programs: 

Your own customers can be a wonderful source of new customers. You could look at creating a referral program that rewards current members for referring new students. Word-of-mouth recommendations can be very powerful!

10. Post in Community Groups and Spread the Word: 

Engage with your local community by sharing advice and news in local Facebook groups, build up a reputation as making a positive impact in your local community. You might also want to consider flyers, if you do this just make sure you can measure the impact they have so include a unique code on them.

Remember that marketing is all about layering healthy habits, it’s the blend of all of these approaches that builds a sustainable and flourishing business, it’s not a quick fix situation. Get curious about what you’re doing and the results it gives. Remember not to get bogged down in “vanity” metrics, what’s most important is how many happy customers you have. 

By following these ten marketing strategies, you can spread the benefits of yoga to a wider audience and grow your yoga studio into a successful and enriching business. 

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